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Upcoming Events
Date and Time
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
8:00 AM - 10:30 AM CDT
$20 per ticket includes event entrance and breakfast
$10 per ticket includes event entrance
Join the SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce for an opportunity to learn and hear more about our area demographics with Minnesota DEED, changes in employment law and business from Best & Flanagan LLP and the current state of housing from the Carver County CDA.
7:45-8:00 AM- Registration/networking
8:15 AM- Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Speaker Tim ONeill
8:35-8:45 AM- Time for questions
8:45 AM- Small break
9:00 AM- Megan Kunze Best & Flanagan Law on recent business laws and policy changes
9:20 AM- Time for questions
9:30 AM- Small break
9:45 AM- Carver County CDA Deputy Director Allison Streich
10:30 AM- Time for questions/closing of forum
